Young children love to move, be it at play or when listening to music. By channelling these energies through structured dance and movement classes it can help to develop cognitive, motor and social skills. It also helps to instil exercise as a way of life.
As children grow older dance can continue to be a hobby for some or a future career choice for others. Whatever a child's goal, dance frequently produces confident, well-
Children are accepted from the age of three at The Quay School of Dance. At this age they attend a ballet-
From age four and a half pupils can attend classes in Ballet, Tap and/or Modern. Children follow a syllabus and work towards I.S.T.D. examinations. The I.S.T.D. exams have been devised to provide a worthwhile sense of achievement both for children and young adults who dance for recreation, and also for those hoping to pursue a career in dance. We also offer Street Dance classes to children aged 6 and above. This style has grown in popularity due to this dance style being featured in many current films, music videos and concerts.
Adult Classes
Adult Ballet
Children’s Classes